No. 7925934. Sgt. Greenwood, R.T.
9th Battn. R.T.R.
Wednesday Evening
Jess, Darling: Is this the first day of Spring, officially? I am not sure… but I do know that we have been having spring-like weather for almost a week, and today has been no exception. It is a treat to find the earth becoming reasonably dry after the months of mud and rain. We are very fortunate in having this spell of fine weather just now because we are spending most of our time working on the vehicles in the open. It would have been miserable had there been the usual heavy rain… and mud.
Jess… do you know, dear, I have forgotten the date of Barry’s birthday… a shocking confession for a proud father, but it is the truth. I think it is tomorrow… but something tells me it may be the 25th. Which is it, darling? I really must try and remember. Your letter today brings me more news of the little chap… of his newly found power of movement. He is progressing rapidly now Jess… too rapidly I fear, for your peace of mind. What a picnic you must have had trying to light that fire… But how you must have laughed… really. It seems to have been a regular battle of wits… and I’m not so sure that Barry was defeated, either. Oh – I would so love to be at home with you now darling:- you will be able to have some grand fun with him… And soon he will be talking… and walking. I know he is going to need a lot more watching now… and that means more work and worry for you… but how worth-while it will be: how grand to see all your care and attention developing into a little human being… with so much potential happiness for you and me. It is glad I am Jessie Mine, to be able to think of my home as it is now… and as it will be in the future. And all thanks to my sweetheart. (…)
I was very glad to hear that you have commenced reading ‘World’s End’: the fact that you are reading something is of far more importance than the actual book. I do hope you can continue finding time to read, Jess. It is so important to try and keep up normal pursuits, in spite of having a baby and a house to manage – alone. It is easy for me to talk, I know… but you see, I have so much confidence in my wife: I believe she can do anything she wills… And I want you to ‘will’ yourself into having more leisure… You can do it, can’t you darling… providing, I suppose you are able to discourage the endless round of visitors.
And now… what can I tell you about myself? I can’t think of anything worth while. I am well and haven’t ailed a scrap since my leave. I am living in civvy billets and have a comfortable bed, a warm fire, and decent conditions for letter writing. One little snag is that there are five soldiers in the house, and four in the family, and three or four young fellows (Dutch) come round every evening… so the place is usually pretty crowded: it is only a small house. But these conditions are simply palatial… the essence of luxury… by comparison with the chaos of our billets in Germany. I am well aware of my temporary good fortune: I hope it lasts for a long time!
The usual visitors have arrived and now the house is a minor bedlam… including a jazz performance on the radio. Forgive me for closing down, Jess. I will be with you again tomorrow.
Good night, my love.
Your Trevy.
P.S. I am definitely enclosing Thea C’s card with this letter. I’ll bet you smiled at my omission yesterday… I am becoming a scatter brain. T.