No. 7925934. Sgt. Greenwood.
C Sqdn, 9th Battn R.T.R.


D -10

My Darling – I told you last evening about the colonel’s comments regarding the immediate future of the unit. Something must have happened since then because our acting squadron leader was summoned to H.Q. very hurriedly this afternoon for a conference. He returned this evening with the news that this squadron is being dissolved almost immediately. It appears that the battn. have to provide a fairly large draft of men for other work… and it has been decided that this draft will come from C sqdn:- The remainder of the sqdn will then be absorbed by A, B, and H.Q. squadrons. I have no more details just now, dear,- but may be able to say more tomorrow… The change-over will probably be effected by about next Monday.

In case you are wondering why I speak of our acting squadron leader, I must tell you that our recently promoted Major Gulland left us this morning – for demobilisation!! He is in group 21 but was classified amongst the deferred officers and didn’t expect to get his ticket for two or three months. You can imagine his amazement therefore when he received orders last week to depart today. So now, we are temporarily under the command of the former second-in-command, Capt. Morgan. It was assumed that Morgan would become a temporary major… but this does not now seem likely.

I cannot say I am greatly worried by this new development. We know that the unit is bound to be dissolved before next summer at the very latest – and I think we are all prepared for the demise of the 9th. In my case, I will be on my way home in about ten days’ time – and will have ceased to belong to the regiment…

And this reminds me that we (22 group) have passed through another little phase of the demob. process today. We have signed another document, handed in our pay-books, and drawn our last official pay as soldiers. We will receive more money before reaching home,- a sum of £10 (for sgts.) during our final stages, but by then we will be, technically, civilians… having previously been given unemployment and insurance cards-!! I don’t know what the next stage will be but I wish it would come more quickly: these last days do seem to be dragging, Jess – I will be a nervous wreck if I have to wait much longer.

I have two grand letters from you today – but am sorry I cannot comment on them fully just now… You send me many details of home affairs – and the improvement in your daily routine – and about Barry… But there is one nasty news item – the pain in your back. I don’t know anything about lumbago, my dear – but I think your auntie’s diagnosis may be correct. I remember Ted Hinson(?) having back-pain, and he had lumbago. I don’t know what you are doing about it – or whether anything can be done for it. (…)

Regarding the clothing-coupon business, I believe we may be able to do something. I too have heard of supplementary coupons being issued in certain cases… and I don’t see why we shouldn’t also benefit… especially with the assistance of a beautiful little schemer like my sweetheart-!

Am enclosing a few snaps – shewing our dog, Topsy, with two of her pups, Bobby and Beauty. Topsy has been a great favourite in the mess since S.S.M. Edwards brought her in at Schüttorf – last May. She was a scraggy nervous wreck then – and quite bomb-happy,- but now she is quite well and very intelligent… and a proud mother! I thought the ‘photos may interest Barry.

Must go to bed now, dear Jess…
I am bursting to be with you…
But I won’t burst…
That’s a promise…
Goodnight, my love.
Your Trevy