No. 7925934. Sgt. Greenwood.
C Sqdn, 9th Battn R.T.R.


D -2

Jessie Mine: In spite of the awful tension of my nervous system… I am not yet a nervous wreck, and therefore still able to hold a pen. But even though my hand is steady… my mind is not – and so I don’t think this will be a very successful effort:- I am definitely out of form for letter writing, darling, and would have given up the job days ago but for… well… I can still see you eagerly awaiting the postman each day – and can’t bear to contemplate that look of disappointment upon your dear face. From this, you will gather, quite correctly, that I am writing more or less as a duty… rather than from sheer joy. But it is not altogether a task: I am still able to “see” you whilst writing – and that means a hell of a lot.

I have no more news for you about my homecoming: up to now, there have been no further cancellations, so we are leaving the unit on Saturday at about 2.0pm. The first halt will be Hanover – where we stay the night. I told you earlier that the second night of the journey will be spent at Tournai in Belgium, but I believe the routine has now been altered a bit, and we will actually travel from Hanover direct to Calais (or Ostend) by rail. This would appear to shorten the travel period on this side by a day – but I cannot be sure about this. I hope to be capable of writing you a few short letters en route, so keeping you informed of my progress. But don’t worry, dear, if you don’t hear from me for a few days. I don’t know what conditions will be like for writing… and I certainly don’t know whether I will be in a condition to talk sense-! I will try, anyhow.

It is only two days since I heard from you – and already I am wondering about you – and Barry and everything at home… I can’t think about anything else.

I wonder about your back pains… and bursts… and ‘perms’… and visitors… and about you dashing around the house needlessly tiring yourself out for my homecoming. I hope you are not going to any trouble: I don’t want to see a beautifully spick and span home – and a tired Jess. But somehow, I don’t think you will be able to do too much… Barry will see to that-!

Jess… have I told you I love you-? Do you know how much I love you-? Do you? It’s an awful lot… But it can’t be any more than you are worth.

Good night, Jess… My Jess
Yours – Always