No. 7925934. Sgt. Greenwood.
British Army Exhibition
British Army Staff
B.L.A. Paris
Jessie Mine – Have you ever been literally seething with anger to such an extent that your whole system has appeared to be boiling over? The answer must be yes… in view of your prolonged ordeal with the coal-men. So when I tell you that I ‘boiled over’ on reading today’s letter about your latest trouble with them, I’m sure you will understand how I felt – and why I wrote a letter to the committee chairman.
I am enclosing a copy to ‘put you in the picture’ and need only add that I marked the envelope ‘private and confidential’. I hope it reaches the chairman, but realise that it may not do so.
To write the letter, and your copy, has taken up most of my evening, and now I have no time left for more. But I hope to write you a decent letter tomorrow. Please forgive this lousy note.
Always – I love you
Your Trevy.