No. 7925934. L/Sgt. Greenwood.
‘C’ Sqdn. 9th Battn. R.T.R.
A.P.O. England.
Tuesday evening.
Jess dear, The only outstanding item in my daily routine at the moment is the quantity of liquour I am consuming. I have even learned to enjoy aqua pura! Tea I dispose of by the gallon – seven cups at tea-time for instance! The reason for all this is the weather, of course. It is not just an ordinary ‘hot’ heat, such as we once enjoyed at Malta (happy memories!) but a beastly, wearying clamminess which literally draws perspiration from one’s entire body. I am lucky in being able to have a cold bath each evening, but this only affords temporary relief. This is not really a moan, my dear. I like warmth as you know… but it seems a great shame to have to endure, IN KHAKI, the sort of weather which we normally dream about.
I seem to have nothing else to talk about now… and that may be fortunate because I have little energy: even writing is a minor effort.
I don’t know whether conditions are the same with you but I hope they are. it will be nice for you to have B. outside all day…
I hope you are both OK… and that there will be more good news of his progress in your next letter.
Good night, my darling.
Yours always