No. 7925934. Sgt. Greenwood.
C Sqdn, 9th Battn R.T.R.


D -13

My Sweetheart, I will apologise in advance for this letter:- it will be a very scrappy one because I have little to tell you – and because there has been too much distraction for writing to you this evening.

One thing I must mention is that there has already been one cancellation in release sailings and the 21 group fellows have therefore been delayed another day. This may not affect my departure – but on the other hand it may. I don’t expect to be delayed more than a day or two at the worst – but even odd days seem like an eternity to a man in my condition – and as you may feel the same, I think it is better for you to be warned in advance. Whatever the delays – we can’t be kept apart much longer – and that is all that really matters.

And when I do ultimately finish my journey – and am with you – where I belong – it will take a good deal more than a mere world-war to separate us again… (…) Gosh darling… you do things to me: I don’t know what it is, but I have only to think about you for a minute fraction of time… and I immediately go all hay-wire… And the mere mention of your name… that little word ‘Jess’… causes my heart to flap:- quite literally I mean.

What is it darling? Would you say I am in love? Or have I got something more acute? Whatever it is, I revel in it: it is an exquisite disease – and I know it is incurable.

Good-night, my dear Jess-
I love you –
Always and always
Your Trevy.